AeroPress Coffee

I’ve been using a french press for years.  I use the darkest, oiliest coffee I can find.  Grind it fresh just before using it.  And make it just course enough that most of it the grounds don’t make it through the screen.

Then a friend told me about the AeroPress, and I was pretty skeptical.  Then that friend actually bought me an AeroPress.  I’ve been using it ever since.

The AeroPress is basically an inverted French Press.  Instead of pushing the grounds to the bottom of your carafe and letting the finished brew pour off the top, the AeroPress pushes the water down through a filter, and directly into your cup.

Because the AeroPress uses a paper filter, you can grind the coffee finer than you can with a french press.  You end up with richer flavor.

It makes just one cup at a time, so every cup is fresh.  I thought that would make it too bothersome.  But it’s fast, simple, and easy to clean up.  I don’t mind making a cup whenever I need it.

The AeroPress design is that it is very portable.  If you travel, you can bring it with you with less trouble then a french press.

When you have company and need to serve coffee for 10 people, you’ll still want a traditional coffee maker.  But when it’s just one or two of you, the AeroPress will give you an unequaled cup of coffee.

Scary Coffee Story

In a hotel lobby is a cafe with

We Proudly Brew
Starbucks Coffee
posted over the counter.
Medium coffee, bold roast with two shots of espresso, I request.  The little lady behind the counter wears a badge indicating the she is from Nicaragua.  It is clear that English is not her most comfortable tongue.  She makes two shots of espresso, then turns to give me the mini-cup.  “No, no”, I say – two shots in a cup of coffee.  I’d prefer a whole cup filled with espresso, but my financial resources are limited.  The woman nods, picks up a medium sized cup, and indicates by way of motioning to me that she is going to pour the espresso into the larger cup.  Yes, I nod my head.
Then panic sets in…
I see this woman, who moments ago seemed a harmless little old Nicaraguan woman, turn into a monster from my nightmares.  She begins to add HOT WATER to my coffee!  “No, no, no!”, I gasp, as the other guests in the lobby stare at my wild-eyed antics.  They are oblivious to the massacre happening only a few feet away.
We did get it worked out in the end.  Fresh espresso brewed and added to a bold coffee, and the nightmare was ended.  But it sure did get my adrenaline going first thing in the morning.