Pickles and Jalepenos

I’ve been eating a lot of pickles lately.  Dill.  Only dill.  A while back my wife found some spicy dills by Vlasic.  I liked the bite (though it was subtle).  Sadly, the pickle flavour was not as good as that of the normal Vlasic dill, so I haven’t gone back to them.  What I have done, however, is to take a whole dill pickle, put it in a bowl, drop a bunch of jalapenos in, and voila!  Spicy dill.  I eat it with a fork and knife, which I admit is a bit weird.  But weird is the price you sometimes have to pay for a nice spicy dill.

3 thoughts on “Pickles and Jalepenos”

  1. I never have tried egg salad with jalapenos. I'll have to give it a go when my wife returns from her trip.

    What? Make egg salad myself? Preposterous. There are plenty of jalapenos and pickles in the refrigerator to keep me nourished for the next two weeks.

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